Developed and manufactured by A. Electronica under Norm UNE EN54-7.
Certified by AENOR.
Consisting of a dark chamber, designed with a labyrinth that allows the smoke to enter, but not the light, provided with both, a transmitter and a receiver, they are operatingon the principle of scattered light, having a circuit with the appropriate electronics for proper monitoring.
Output for remote alarm indicator, voltage stabilizer and automatic operation monitoring, the visible LED light is locked, when an alarm is entering, mounted on a white ABShousing of Ø 105 x 68 mm high.
Maximum power consumption:180 μA at rest and 22 mA in alarm. Version with automatic reset

Designed and manufactured by Aguilera Electronica under UNE EN54-7 norm,certified by AENOR.
When it detects a sudden rise in temperature or when the rise is very slow and the 58°C degrees are reached, it gives an alarm signal. Equipped with LED indicator alarmwith interlocking, automatic check of functions, voltage stabilizer and automatic alarm output for connecting remote action indicators.
Mounted on a white ABS housing of Ø 105 x 45 mm high.
Power consumption: 50 μA on idle and 22 mA in alarm.

Designed and manufactured by Aguilera Electronica under UNE EN54-7 norm,certified by AENOR.
When it detects a sudden rise in temperature or when the rise is very slow and the 58°C degrees are reached, it gives an alarm signal. Equipped with LED indicator alarmwith interlocking, automatic check of functions, voltage stabilizer and automatic alarm output for connecting remote action indicators.
Mounted on a white ABS housing of Ø 105 x 45 mm high.
Power consumption: 50 μA on idle and 22 mA in alarm.