The objective of the commisioning software AGE41 is to facilitate tuning and the maintenance of the installations based on the central Algorithmic system.
Under a Windows environment, it allows us to:
- Determine what devices are connected to what control panel and in each loop.
- Check the status of each one of them (rest, alarm and fault).
- Act over the outputs of these devices.
- Export the structure of the channels to files, which the AGE42 customizer can readlater.
- Obtain information on any incidents that are occurring at the facility.
- Monitor the general overall functioning of the central unit, using diagnostics.
- Reboot and download the statistical information stored in the central unit.
In short, the program permits to check the status of a facility, without the need for customized central units.

The AGE42 Customizer is software developed under the Windows, which we can use to create new customizations, as well as to edit and modify existing customizations.
This program allows us to perform, in a simple manner, the following operations:
- Create new customisations, defining the texts to be assigned to each of the zones and sectors of the installation.
- Capture the personalization of the connected central units.
- To dump the personalization of the connected central units.
- Import channel structures as created through the implementation program AGE41
- Verify the data integrity of the personalization.
- Define the installation plans for their use in the “”Europe III”” checkpoint, defining theactive installation points, so that their status changes are automatically reflected inthe plans.
- List the personalization data from the screen and printer, through various types ofreports.
- Define sectors.
- To program automatic or manual control manoeuvres, in terms of various logical combinations (And, Or, Multiple Or) for any point, zone or sector of the installation.

System which allows for remote control and management offire detection installations. The remote control system providesimportant advantages as well as remote maintenance of theones which are currently working.
The system allows for remote control of any installation, based on the series SA central units. It consists of a control software AGE44 which allows to show the front panel of the control panel on the computer monitor and perform any action on the panel as if we were in front of it.
It is especially intended for controlling: hotel chains, shoppingcentres, car parks and facilities where remote control from a different place where the control panel is located, is needed. For example: place for the maintenance central unit, headquarters, etc.
In the installation monitoring mode, any incidence produced in one of the monitored control panel generates a warning signal which allows us to connect with it for consults oroperations.
The system admits many possibilities for connection networks:
- RS-232 and RS-485 serial ports.
- AE2NET network.
- INTERNET via the TCP/IP protocol.

AGUILERA ELECTRONICA software development providingcontrol for the Fire Protection Installations based on EuropeIII and/or Europe II Graphic Control Stations.
We are allowed to:
- Create and maintain an installation database, each onemanaged by a control station.
- Monitor the state of installations defined in the database,showing the state of each one in real time.
- Control any monitored installation in a remote way as if wewere in front of it.
Connection between applications and remote installations ismade by using TCP/IP communications. In this way, we haveaccess to installations provided with this type of communications,independently from its geographical position.”

Control unit micro-processed of two analogical loops manufactured by AGUILERAELECTRONICA. The capacity of each loop is that of 125 devices each, to which thedetectors, push buttons, modules for manoeuvres, for control and any other elementsthat make up the installation, all connect, with a capacity
for a total control of 250devices.
It has indicator lights for the control, proper operation and the communications betweenthe central unit& the devices.

Panel for fire control with capacity for 1 loop of 125 equipments each,to which
the detectors, switches, modules for manoeuvres, for control and otherelements
that make up the installation, all connect.
- Switched power supply of 27.2 Vdc at 2 A.
- Emergency battery charger with capacity for receiving two 12V /7Ah batteries.
- Dimensions: Height: 274 – Width: 322 – Depth: 123 mm

Panel for fire control with a capacity for a AE/SA-CTL of 2 loops of 125 equipments each, to which the detectors, switches, modules for manoeuvres, for controland other elements that make up the installation, all connect and with a capacity tocontrol 250 devices.
- Switched power supply of 27.2 Vdc at 4 A.
- Emergency battery charger, where the central unit has the capacity to receive in its interior, two 12V/ 7Ah batteries.
- Dimensions: Height: 410 – Width: 310 – Depth: 120 mm

“Panels for fire control with bus for connecting with 1 to 4 cardsAE /SA-CTL.
Each card controls two bidirectional algorithmic loops, with a capacityfor 125
equipments each, to which the detectors, switches, modules for manoeuvres,
forcontrol and other elements that make up the installation, all connect.
The control panel’s capacity to control equipment is up to 1000 devices and
dependingon the type it can mean controlling more than 3000 independent
points. For every 250devices the central unit is equipped with an independent
Independently switched power supply of 27.2 Vdc at 4 A.
Emergency battery charger, where the central unit has capacity for receiving
in itsinterior, two 12V/17Ah batteries.
Dimension: Height: 500 – Width: 390 – Depth: 145 mm”

Developed and manufactured by Aguilera Electronica under Norm UNE EN12094-1.
- 2 monitored detection zones.
- Operating mode, programmable as:
- Double detection: Two alarms in one zone.
- Crossed detection: One alarm in every zone.
- Mixed: Two alarms in the panel.
- Monitored detection zone for push button to trigger the fire extinction.
- Monitored entry zone for an extinction pause button.
- Buttons for extinguishing the fire and pausing extinction built into the panel.
- 2 independent monitored inputs for pressure monitoring or control of weighing and flow control.
- Monitored output for evacuation and for fire extinguishing poster.
- Mode selection key: automatic, manual or unarmed.
- Display indicating the time remaining for the discharge.
- Output time before extinction programmable between 0 and 60 seconds.
- Can be integrated into the algorithmic system.
- Optional relays in order to repeat the states of the central unit.
- Dimensions: 320 x 272 x 125 mm.
- It can receive 2 batteries of 12V/7Ah.
- Equipped with a micro-processed card that keeps permanently informed thecentralalgorithmic unit regarding its status.

Smoke detector manufactured by AGUILERA ELECTRONICA, according to the UNE norm. EN 54-7, with a CE Compliance Certificate and an AENOR quality mark.
Addressable algorithmic unit that manages an optical smoke sensor .Its function is totake measures of light from the scattered smoke particles, to assess their density andpercentage increase in time and send to the central unit all already analysed data, sothat it can take the alarm decision, on the condition that the programmed benchmarksare reached for each case.
Equipped with:
- Shared technology with the central unit.
- Design for natural ventilation, which facilitates the slow uptake of smoke.
- Automatic sensitivity adjustment.
- Auto-isolation for the device incorporated.
- Output for remote alarm.
- Connection to 2 wires.
- Power: between 18 and 27 V CC. Power consumption: 2 mA on idle and 5 mA in alarm.

The features that make it distinct from the rest of the optical detectors are its designand dimensions. The AE/ SA-OPI has a lower profile, only 43 mm in height, allowingit to be more attached to the ceiling.
- Certificate of Conformity CE, according to EN 54-7 norm.

Equipment manufactured by AGUILERA ELECTRONICA, formed by an AE/SAOPI optical algorithmic detector and a metal box, fitted with an alarm indication lamp, fittingfor the entrance of cables and fittings for probe ducts, which take the samples frominside the ducts.

Multi-sensor detector with double technology, for both smoke and heat,manufactured by AGUILERA ELECTRONICA according to the UNE EN 54-7 and UNE EN 54-5 norm, with a CE quality certificate and an AENOR quality mark.
Addressable algorithmic unit that manages an optical sensor for smoke and anothe rfor heat.
The optical sensor takes measurements of the light scattered by smoke particles andtheir increase, while at the same time the heat sensor measures the thermal variations.
Both measurements are analysed and sent to the central unit, so that this last one can take the alarm decision, on the condition that the parameters set for each casehave been reached.It has the same endowment and characteristics as the AE/SA-OP detector.

Similar characteristics to AE/SA-OP. It incorporates a buzzer that is activatedin case of alarm of the smoke detector, or if it has been programmed from the centralunit, with the alarm of any device in its area.
Sound intensity: 85 dB. Maximum power in alarm: 13 mA.

Heat detector manufactured by AGUILERA ELECTRONICA according to the UNEEN 54-5 norm, with CE quality certificate and an AENOR quality mark.
Addressable algorithmic unit that manages two temperature parameters:
- Differential: Take in time any measurements of the temperature increase.
- Thermal: It monitors the room temperature detected at every moment.
Both measurements are analysed and sent to the central unit, so that this last one cantake the alarm decision, according to the program made for each case.”