Hose of identical specifications to the previous one. It meets EN 50200 norm: fire resistant.

Hose of identical specifications to the previous one. It meets EN 50200 norm: fire resistant.
Short-circuitable switched-mode power supply of 24V CC / 5A and 2A manufactured according to the EN 54-4 norm.
Bitension 230/115 V AC, 50/60Hz. Equipped with luminous indications on the general state of power supply, status and charge of the batteries and of the output fuses, asof EN 54-4 norm. They have 2 independent outputs protected against short-circuits.Equipped with a micro-processor card, which keeps permanently the central algorithmic unit informed of its status.
AE/SA-FA (5A) has the capacity for 2 batteries 12V/17Ah.”
Short-circuitable switched-mode power supply of 24V CC / 5A and 2A manufactured according to the EN 54-4 norm.
Bitension 230/115 V AC, 50/60Hz. Equipped with luminous indications on the general state of power supply, status and charge of the batteries and of the output fuses, asof EN 54-4 norm. They have 2 independent outputs protected against short-circuits.Equipped with a micro-processor card, which keeps permanently the central algorithmic unit informed of its status.
AE/SA-FA2 (2A) has the capacity for 2 batteries 12V/7Ah.”
Halogen-free hose of 3 conductors of 0.75 mm2 of low capacity, shielded with aluminium tape, plus drain wire. Recommended for the RS-485 serial connections of the AguileraElectronica networks.
It meets EN 50265-2-1, EN 50266, EN 50267-2 and EN50268 norms.
Interface of communications TCP/IPMultiprotocol module that permits the integration of the algorithmic control panels of AGUILERA ELECTRONICA in different control systems.
Supported protocols: Modbus / RTU / TCP, N2 of Metasys OPTIMUS and ESPA 4.4.4
It has interfaces:
Multi-protocol module that permits the integration of the algorithmic control panels of AGUILERA ELECTRONICA in different control systems.
Supported protocols: Modbus/RTU/, N2 Metasys, Aguilera electrónica and ESPA 4.4.4
It has the following interfaces:
The AE /SA- ILW gateway converts the dump protocol, Aguilera Electronica´s series,to a LonWorks protocol. The main use of the device is to connect the central algorithmic units in a LON network.
This equipment is based on the 3150 NEURON chip at 20 Mhz with topology free at778Kbit/s (FTT-10). DIN rail mounting. The serial communications are done throughone of the RS-232 ports of the algorithmic control panels.
Formed by the following hardware:
Characteristics of the system. The checkpoint includes the following features:
Hardware and software checkpoint
Checkpoint software (without hardware)
Personalization with the installation plans and all the programmed manoeuvres, according to the specific needs.
Panel fabricado por AGUILERA ELECTRÓNICA que consta de 32 indicadores luminosos para la representación en tiempo real del estado de la instalación, e intercomunicación FULL-DUPLEX entre el Panel Repetidor y la Central de incendios. Ideal para puestos de enfermeras y otras áreas de vigilancia.
Sus características principales son:
Communications module needed for the integration of the series central units SA inthe network of central units of AE2NET
TCP network card for the connection of the algorithmic central units on the Ethernet networks TCP/IP 10/100 Mbps.
The card is housed in the interior of the central unit.
TCP network card for the connection of the algorithmic central units on the Ethernet networks TCP/IP 10/100 Mbps.
The card is housed in the interior of the central unit.
Remote controlled unit manufactured by AGUILERA ELECTRONICA, developedfor monitoring and remote management of the fire protection facilities, based on ournew algorithmic control panels.
This terminal allows to control “”at a distance”” via cable (RS-485) any installation basedon AE/SA-C1, AE/SA-C2 and AE/SA-C8 central units.
The connection is made in a network, through a RS-485 communication channel.
All the control panels show the general status of all the central units existing in the networkand from any of them, any central unit can be controlled.
Microserver for the connection of the algorithmic central units on the Ethernet TCP/IPnetworks.10/100 Mbps.
The connection is carried out via an RS485 port of the central unit.
AE/V-C232. Ethernet microserver (port RS232)
The connection is carried out via an RS232 port of the central unit.