The central unit of alarms, AE/AX30TRI model is a central fire control unit and is repeating the external alarms for three different operators.
Basically it consists of:
- Power supply and battery charger.
- Fire detection loop.
- Control circuit for automatic extinction that provides for a monitored output in orderto activate a solenoid valve.
- Output by relay (24 V).
- Output of 12 VDC (500 mA.) for various uses external to the central unit.
- Control of 30 external alarm inputs, normally open or normally closed, selectableby a switch (outputs of the 30 alarms via potential-free relays, normally open orclosed, selectable by a selector switch).
- For the first 14 outputs, plus fire alarm and general fault alarm it has three Sub-D connectors of 37 pins, to be used independently by each operator. This informationis repeated simultaneously on all three connectors.
- For the remaining 16 outputs is available only one Sub-D connector of 37 pins.
- Repetition through two switched relays of 2 A, with voltage free inputs1 and 30.
- Control of one FIRE output and one GENERAL FAULT output, both normally closed, through the first 3 Sub-D connectors of 37 pins.
- 2 A voltage free relays switched for:
- Fire alarm.
- General fault alarm (normally energized).
- Ventilation stop, selectable with fire level 1 or level 2.
- Optical and audible signals, as well as the necessary controls for the managementof the installation.