The Catering College ESHRA in Ainbenian (Algeria) is already running. With a cost of $11 million, it has a capacity to accommodate 880 international students and it is managed by Hôtel Lausanne (Switzerland) for a period of time of 8 years, in addition it will count on the collaboration of 5 stars hotels like “Le Renaissance Tlemcen Hotel” from the Marriott group and the Sheraton Hotel in Oran.
Simalga has installed for this important project for Algeria, the Firefighting Protection equipments from Aguilera Group. A total of seventeen 1, 2 and 8 loops intelligent algorithmic panels which provide a bidirectional communication with the 2.000 equipments part of the installation, identify them individually and confirm their status at each point they are ( rest, alarm, failure, disconnection…etc.) in function of the information received.
This is one of the projects which goes beyond our borders, an answer to the strength and presence every day the Aguilera Group acquires abroad where our international partners are showing us trust, not only for the professionalism in projects carried out but also for the human team, the technology and the design of our firefighting equipments.