The cement works Portald located in Alcalá de Guadaíra, Sevilla, started its work in 1964.
This huge factory has quarries marlstones , crushing installations for 1.000 tons /hour, untreated milling of 330 tons/hour, a clinkerization oven able to produce 4.000 tons/day, four cements mills and two bagging lines. With all of this, they can produce up to 1.450.000. tons of cement per year.
To protect this big risk it has been installed the Aguilera Group Fire Fighting Protection systems; a checkpoint Europe III to improve the management capacity and in turn, presents on screen all the information of the installation. With this equipment the 4 intelligent control panels of algorithmic technology are subordinated to the management which will be done from the checkpoint, but without losing at any moment its autonomy. In this way all the information arriving on real time to each of the equipments of the installation is managed. The electric panels have been protected with the early detection system by aspiration and for the extinguishing system it has been done with FE-13.
Inside the transformation centers, however, it has been used the linear detection multipoint MHD 535 and for the extinguishing it has been chosen CO2.