The telecommunication’s company Expresso Chinguitel Group has installed in its new Head Office the Aguilera Group Fire Fighting Protection equipments.
Located in Mauritanie, the company Tecsen was the company chosen to install our algorithmic equipments. The intelligent detection established in the Head Office Building is made of a 2 algorithmic detection loops panel AE/SA-C2 which controls and supervises about 80 equipments (detectors, pushbuttons, sounders, etc…). The panel indicates us every fault or failure where exactly it has been produced.
For the fire extinguishing system, it has been installed HFC227ea or heptafluoropropane which extinguishes fire by absorbing and extracting the heat.
Every day the Aguilera Group acquires a bigger presence and trust from our international partners, thanks to the professionalism and experience of our team and to the technology and design of our firefighting equipments.