AEX/SFKPS Manual drive for systems
AEX/SFKP Manual drive with switch

AEX/SFKPS Manual drive for systems
AEX/SFKP Manual drive with switch
AEX/SFKCF.End cap for detection tubes
AEX/SFKCFM.End of line with gauge
AEX/SFADP. Adapter of the detection tuve
AEX/SFKD1D: Stainless steel diffuser for discharging a directional flow 3/8” female.
AEX/SFKD1G: Stainless steel diffuser for discharging a high coverage flow 3/8” female.
AEX/SFKD2D: Stainless steel diffuser for discharging two directional flows 3/8” female.
AEX/SFKD2G: Stainless steel diffuser for discharging two high coverage flows 3/8” female.
Low pressure relief valve: The relief valve is installed directly in the cylinder containing the extinguishingagent. Made of brass and nickel coating, with an internal actuation mechanismand a discharge port, it is also provided with a connection for filling.Use a pressure differential between the valve and the detector tube to startthe relief valve. When an increase in temperature is produced (110/120ºC),the detector tube melts producing an orifice that releases the pressure andtrips the valve due to the decrease in pressure allowing the extinguishingagent pass.
High pressure relief valve: Used when the system working pressure is high, installed in the auxiliarycylinder for dry nitrogen. In that element the three parts of the high pressuresystem are placed: detection tube, high pressure grid and the correspondingpart for low pressure.