The present official provisions, the regulation’s requirements applicable in our industrial sector, the customer’s requirements and the high competition of the companies, as well as the General Politic started by AGUILERA GROUP, ask for a high quality level of product’s manufacture and services supply.
Both Aguilera Electrónica and Aguilera Extinción have the ISO 9001 Quality Certificate.
The Aguilera Group Management accepting that, to guarantee the quality, not to damage the environment and to protect the people is to defend our future, has established inside Company general politic , an Integrated Management System (S.G.I.), based on preventing which includes:
In addition to the regulations and certificates, the Quality Department has introduced an installation’s follow-up from its delivery which allows us to try its feasibility, its maintenance state and the customer satisfaction.
Its operation is conducted following the delivery of the installation, during the successive years, are made phone calls y visits to the persons in charge of the installation, in case of faults or defects two solutions are given:
If it can be resolved by his maintenance service, we advise them how to resolve the problem.
If it’s not the case: Aguilera provides its technical service with original spare parts to guarantee the system is working well.